Monday, August 12, 2019

Unlooping - Days 21 - 25

Day 21 is Wednesday, August 8, and Allen's first official day as first mate.  It was already steamy, hot when we left Sarasota at about 7:45 to move on further north.  I wanted to go to Tarpon Springs, but couldn't find a marina with a slip and diesel fuel so we went to Marker 1 Marina in Dunedin.  The ride through Sarasota Bay was smooth with few other boats out.  We entered the Gulf at the mouth of Tampa Bay and ran outside until we reached Clearwater Pass.  Then it was just a short run on up the GICW to the marina.  As usual, getting fueled up was the first requirement and today it is especially important to be sure the tanks are totally full - tomorrow is the crossing.  An old buddy of Allen's came to meet us there for dinner and a grocery run.  His name was also Jim and he had actually been on board the boat a few years ago at a Tennessee football game.  The evening ended pretty early so that we could be rested for an early morning.  Today's track and pics -
The "crossing"

On the C-Quarters Dock

Crossing day is a stressful event and I'm not sure how well I actually slept and I was wide awake well before the sun was.  The coffee was ready and the engines were running and the boat was moving before the sun was over the horizon.  There are various weather forecast sites that I use to try to determine a "go/no go" decision.  We knew that basically today would be an okay day although it was going to be somewhat rough.  Seas were 1 to 2 feet off the port bow with the occasional 3 footer thrown in for a little more fun.  Because of this we had to slow down from the normal cruise speed to make the ride better.  This leg was 175 miles which took 12 hours to complete.  At least this time I knew how much fuel I had and we weren't freaking out at the thought of running out. Allen and I shared the driving duties which was great because I was tired and the autopilot can't be used in these conditions.  At about 6:45, we arrived at C-Quarters Marina in Carabelle, FL with about 25 gallons of fuel left in each tank!  We fueled up, washed off the salt, cleaned up and went to dinner at Fathoms.  Today's track and pics -
The C-Quarters kitty is another that Regina played with while here.

After the long crossing day, I decided that we should have a short, fun day to make up for it so next was a two hour run over to Apalachicola.  But first, we went to breakfast and did a couple of loads of laundry.  I visited with Kim, the harbor master, to get more local knowledge of conditions after Hurricane Michael and then set up reservations for the next few days.  As we crossed the Apalachicola Bay it wasn't possible to forget about the day Regina and I spent on a shoal because of a missing marker.  That was a day that we could have done without, but at least we did no damage.  Our dock at Apalachicola was at the old ice house and only a couple of blocks from the center of town.  The first stop was the Oyster Bay brewery and then across the street to the Owl Restaurant.  Allen found a bunch of pilots there and the remainder of the evening was talk about boats and planes.  Today's track and pics -
The Ice House dock

Part of downtown Apalachicola

Day 24 began by continuing on up the Apalachicola River to Lake Wimico then Searcy Creek and a left turn onto the Gulf County Canal which took us to Eagle Harbor off Port St. Joe.  It was back into the Gulf again, but today was a much better ride than on crossing day.  That doesn't mean smooth, but it sure was a lot better.  We ran about 8 miles off shore along the Emerald Coast to Destin.  Coming into Destin was more exciting than necessary.  Today is Sunday and everyone who owns or can rent a boat is in the inlet and the harbor.  They are also going in every possible direction with no regard for anything around them and in the middle of all this, the US Coast Guard is also cruising the channel.  Here our overnight stop was at Harbor Docks which is really not a marina - just a small place to tie up for the night.  It's also a restaurant that specializes in seafood and shrimp was the choice of the day.  Today's track and pics -
A real fixer upper!
This is Harbor Docks

I'm feeling pretty small here!
Goodbye Destin.
Our next run was going to be another, and the last, one in the Gulf.  Coming back out of Destin Harbor was nothing like Sunday afternoon.  We stopped for fuel and then went back out the inlet into the Gulf.  Today the water was smooth and calm unlike the last legs in the Gulf - in fact, this was the only smooth ride we've had on this side of Florida!  I ran along about three miles off shore until we reached Perdido Pass to come back inside.  Literally at that point, it was a left turn right onto the GICW and on down to Homeport, AL where Lulu's restaurant is located.  In case you don't know, Lulu is Jimmy Buffet's sister and rumor has it that he sometimes shows up here.  Regina and I had a big time here and bought out the gift shop so a return trip couldn't be missed.  I'm sure we will have a big time and a good dinner tonight before going into Mobile Bay tomorrow morning.  From there, it's just a few miles up the Bay and we will enter the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway which leads to the Tennessee River.  Getting close to home!!  Today's track and pics -
The Gulf is flat!!

Arrival at Lulu's!!

1 comment:

  1. We are big fans of theOwl. Did you like it. Watching your video makes me sea sick. You guys must have cast iron stomachs. Safe travels for the remainder os your cruise.
